Drinking alcohol affects almost every part of your body — particularly your brain, liver, heart, and skin. The more you drink, the greater the effect it has on your body. Drinking the occasional glass of wine with dinner isn’t a cause for concern. But if you drink a lot over a long time, it can significantly affect your health and lead to long-term conditions.
Everyone responds to alcohol differently, and what will cause a hangover for one person might not have the same effect on someone else. Genetics can play a role in this as some people don’t have the proper enzymes to break down alcohol — alcohol intolerance. This is most common in people of Asian descent.
As a general rule of thumb, if you drink more than 6 units in one go, you’re likely to develop a hangover. This equates to about 3-4 pints of beer or 4 standard glasses of wine.
If you drink a lot of alcohol, it’s worth checking your liver health. You can do this through your GP or with an at-home liver blood test (formerly known as a liver function blood test). It’s important to note that this test can’t formally rule out or diagnose liver disease without more medical context or further investigation by your GP.
You should only do a liver blood test if you believe you might be at risk of alcoholic liver disease.
It takes your liver about an hour to remove 1 unit of alcohol from your body — about half a glass of wine. Depending on how much alcohol you have, it might lead to a hangover.
Ethanol (alcohol) is toxic and acts as a diuretic — a substance that makes you urinate more frequently. Excess urination can increase the risk of dehydration and loss of vital electrolytes.
Dehydration is responsible for some of the symptoms you feel when hungover — like dizziness, lightheadedness, and thirst.
Alcohol is broken down by your body into an even more toxic substance called acetaldehyde, which your body will eventually get rid of. Some studies have shown that this toxic substance causes symptoms like nausea and vomiting.
You can reduce your chances of getting a hangover by:
Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol for many years affects many of your organs — sometimes causing permanent damage to your brain, nervous system, heart, liver, and pancreas.
Heavy drinking can also increase your blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, increasing your risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Drinking too much can also lead to alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) — typically in 3 stages.
Stage one: alcoholic fatty liver disease
Fatty liver disease happens when you drink a lot of alcohol over 2 or 3 weeks. A build-up of fat starts to form in your liver.
Risk factors for alcoholic fatty liver disease include:
Fatty liver disease isn't severe and typically doesn’t have any symptoms. Stopping drinking for around 2 weeks gives your liver enough time to process the fats and reverse the condition.
Stage two: alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflammation)
Alcoholic hepatitis happens over a long time (and isn't related to infectious hepatitis, usually caused by a virus). Alcoholic hepatitis has the potential to be more serious than fatty liver disease. But alcoholic hepatitis is usually reversible if you stop drinking alcohol permanently.
Stage three: cirrhosis (scarring)
Drinking too much alcohol puts strain on your liver, which can result in inflammation. This can lead to irreversible scarring — called cirrhosis. The scar tissue permanently damages the liver, making it harder to function normally and remove toxins (like alcohol) from your body. This can lead to permanent damage.
Alcohol-related liver disease doesn’t tend to show any symptoms until your liver is severely damaged.
If you drink a lot of alcohol, it's worth regularly checking your liver function. You can do this through your GP or with an at-home liver blood test.
Binge drinking refers to drinking lots of alcohol in a short space of time — usually to get drunk. It’s classed as more than 8 units for men and 6 units for women in a single session.
This is equivalent to:
Drinking large amounts of alcohol can make you more vulnerable to accidents and harm — your body can only process 1 unit of alcohol an hour.
While drinking alcohol can make you feel more confident and talkative, there are many risks associated with drinking a lot of alcohol.
Some of these include:
After drinking 1-2 units of alcohol, your heart rate temporarily speeds up, and your blood vessels expand. At this stage, you might feel more confident and chatty.
Over time, binge drinking can cause damage to your heart by:
In susceptible people, minimal amounts of alcohol can raise triglyceride levels. Having no more than 14 units a week (about 6 pints or 7 medium-sized glasses of wine) can help keep triglyceride levels low, as well as having a few alcohol-free days and not binge drinking.
One of the most noticeable effects of alcohol on your body is its effect on your brain. After just a few drinks, you’ll start slurring your speech. This happens because alcohol slows down the communication between your brain and your body.
Chronic alcohol consumption also causes cognitive deficiencies — like memory problems, issues with problem-solving, processing speed, and the ability to read with speed.
Because of this, drinking also affects your balance, decision making, and emotions. After a few drinks, you might notice that you start speaking faster, become more relaxed, and more confident. That’s because part of the brain we associate with inhibition is ‘depressed’ by alcohol.
Alcohol affects your mental health through its effect on thiamine (vitamin B1) — a nutrient essential for brain function. Alcohol can lower the absorption of thiamine and affect how it’s used in your cells. Thiamine deficiency is linked to common mental health disorders. This could be why drinking alcohol is associated with negative emotions — like anger, anxiety, and depression.
Over time, alcohol dependence can cause your brain to shrink — this gets worse the older you are and the more you drink.
Alcohol has a huge social impact on a lot of people and socialising and forming close relationships is important for psychological wellbeing. Above this, alcohol might affect your mood, anxiety, memory, and so on.
Heavy drinking can weaken your immune system over time. It’s linked to lower amounts of white blood cells called lymphocytes (also known as T cells), which help protect you from bacterial and viral infections.
Alcohol also affects your central nervous system (CNS) cell function — particularly astrocytes and microglia cells.
Astrocytes are cells that help send and receive signals from your brain and maintain your body temperature (homeostasis). Microglia cells also play a huge role in supporting your immune response against infections affecting your CNS.
If you have alcohol use disorder (AUD), you’re more likely to develop:
Alcohol consumption can affect your digestive system. Alcohol slows down gut motility and at worst, can damage your intestines. This makes it harder to digest food and nutrients. This can lead to malnutrition — when your body doesn’t have the nutrients it needs.
More immediate effects include:
Over time, excessive drinking can lead to skin problems.
Some of these are:
Alcohol units were first introduced in the UK in 1987 to help the public keep track of their alcohol consumption.
Units explain the amount of pure alcohol in your drink. The size of your drink and the strength of the alcohol can affect the number of units, so it’s important to check this if you’re keeping track each week.
Currently, men and women shouldn’t consume more than 14 units in a week. You should aim to spread your drinking over 3 days or more. And you can cut down your alcohol consumption by having a few drink-free days in the week.
If you want to cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink, you should get medical advice first. This is because you can get physical withdrawal symptoms, like shaking, sweating or feeling anxious until you have your first drink of the day. It can be dangerous to stop drinking too quickly without proper help.
It’s also a good idea to develop a plan to help you get there one step at a time.
Some helpful tips include:
If you’re concerned about the amount of alcohol you drink and the effect it’s having on your physical and mental health, it’s a good idea to talk to your GP for advice.
If you're worried about your alcohol consumption, you can also contact Drinkline, the national alcohol support service on 0300 123 1110.