Philip's story

"It’s a catalyst for bigger, positive changes in your lifestyle."

Philip's story

I presumed I was healthy my whole life. My wife and I lived in Asia where we’d get full body check-ups every year, as they were affordable there. The check-ups hadn’t ever shown signs of illness. And I was a fit, regular gym-goer, so there never seemed any reason to think about improving my health. 

Taking control

But over time, I started to notice that I was feeling more tired — not like my usual, active self. And I developed an annoying pain in my legs that I couldn’t pinpoint the cause of. I’d heard about Thriva and was curious.

“I wanted to find out the cause of my unexplained tiredness, and hoped I could find a solution.”

My first test measured my testosterone levels, and I was quite surprised to see my results were low. I decided my internal health needed further investigation, so I took my results to my GP, who referred me to a consultant.

The consultant discovered I had hypogonadism (sometimes called testosterone deficiency) and prescribed me regular medication — which I’ll be on for the rest of my life. After starting the medication, I felt the difference immediately. I now feel younger and more energetic!

A new healthy habit

I’ve continued using Thriva to track my body over time and have done many tests. I found using the kit became much easier the more tests I did, and it’s second nature now. 

Discovering Thriva made a huge difference to my quality of life. They recommend foods and exercise that can help you improve your results. I’ve changed my lifestyle and diet for the better — I go for fish over red meat these days. I’ve lost 10 kilos, and my cholesterol has improved a lot.

“Thriva helps you find health problems before they become a real problem, and you start getting major symptoms.”

I think it’s an important service — especially when you get to your 40s, like myself! When you make a little change like trying out Thriva, it’s a catalyst for bigger, positive changes in your lifestyle.

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